Maine’s island and coastal residents have high-quality internet connections to support remote work and distance education.


In 2020, 89,000 residents were underserved or unserved by a lack of access to high-quality internet in Maine


100% of Maine’s underserved and unserved residents will have high-quality internet connections by 2030.
(i.e. 0 residents are underserved or unserved in Maine by 2030)

Broadband Availability in Maine

The following map is provided by the United States Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).  The map uses several different data sources to show information on broadband availability within the United States as of June 2021. To explore this interactive map further, click on the image below, or visit this page on NTIA’s website.

Note: The Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) has been building on the past broadband mapping initiatives of the ConnectMaine Authority to define unserved and underserved areas and help direct public funding investments in broadband. You can read more about MCA’s data collection and mapping work here: https://www.maineconnectivity.org/data-collection