The Working Waterfront

Readers: Community building, ‘important work,’ and delightful travelogue

Letters to the editor respond to April issue content

Posted 2024-05-13
Last Modified 2024-05-13

Important work

To the Editor:

I just read Kim Hamilton’s “From the Sea Up” column in the April issue of The Working Waterfront, “The storm damage we cannot see.” It was excellent.

As a psychiatrist, I’m so glad you’re noting the psychological impact of these terrible coastal storms and encouraging folks to reach out to their neighbors in need and make community connections. It is so important. Thank you for the work you’re doing at Island Institute.

Julie Leavitt
San Francisco, Calif.


Community building

To the Editor:

Thank you for Kim Hamilton’s terrific “From the Sea Up” column in the April issue of The Working Waterfront (“The storm damage we cannot see”). After so much discussion along the coast about the physical aspects of restoration, it was so important to see your community building emphasis.

We are on the outer shore of Cliff Island and got hammered very hard. Not severe damage to buildings, since the ones we have along the shore are modest, but just a massive attack on soil and vegetation, and pretty dramatic remaking of the beach and ledge land between us and the water.

Also, what I truly estimate as many tons of loose rock of all sizes are now up against buildings and on what used to be lawn. The column’s point about community building holds true—for us, made manifest in three different branches of our family coming together around the property in a way that hasn’t happened in many years.

Island wide, there was some loss of fishing docks, fish houses, wharves, land, and road access for some houses on the easternmost bluff—all blows to our small community.

We are glad to have Island Institute working for all the coastal communities and especially glad to have a Chebeaguer at the helm!

Marcia Sharp
Yarmouth and Cliff Island



To the editor:

Thank you for publishing Patricia Estabrook’s article about Newfoundland in the April issue of The Working Waterfront. It was a delightful and beautifully written piece that reminded me of just how unique this place is. Inspired by Patrica’s description, I listened to a YouTube version of “Sonny’s Dream,” a powerful song with notes of sad loneliness combined with a deep longing.

My wife and I visited Newfoundland two years ago and we thoroughly enjoyed what we saw and heard and learned there.

Alas, we didn’t have time to go to St. John’s, and having read Patricia’s article, it makes me want to return to Newfoundland and see that part of the island.

Thanks again.

Rick Davis



To the editor:

I am grateful to Patricia Estabrook for her wonderful article about Newfoundland in the April issue of The Working Waterfront.

The natural beauty and expanse of the province is stunning, but understanding the history and sociology of the place was what grabbed me. I definitely plan to check it out this summer and wouldn’t it be nice if Maine could get some ideas from how they’ve handled economic challenges?

Betsey Remage-Healey
Peaks Island

The Working Waterfront welcomes letters to the editor, which should be sent to Tom Groening at with “LTE” in the subject line. Longer opinion pieces are also considered but should first be cleared with the editor.