Boldly Navigating Change


See How Island Institute Brought Max’s Renewable Energy Goals to Fruition


A Beacon of Forward-Looking Solutions

Guided by our mission and vision. Driven by the belief that the people most affected by challenges should be at the center of the solutions. Community innovation for a stronger Maine coast.

As we reflect on the past year at Island Institute, it’s clear that we stand alongside Maine’s island and coastal communities at a pivotal moment. Climate change, economic shifts, and demographic transitions are reshaping our coast. Our strength lies in navigating these challenges with the communities we serve. This partnership has always been, and always will be, the foundation of our work.

Our refreshed mission statement speaks directly to this: We boldly navigate climate and economic change with island and coastal communities to expand opportunities and deliver solutions. The word “with” is key— it reflects our core belief that meaningful solutions come from collaboration and shared vision. Through our programs, our grants, and our public policy efforts, we work, side by side, to build a more resilient future.

The time is now to innovate, together, to build a stronger coast of Maine. The challenges facing our island and coastal communities are urgent and accelerating, and so is the need for bold, practical solutions. We have the tools, the partnerships, and the vision to turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.

Thank you for your ongoing support. It will take all of us, working together, to ensure that Maine’s island and coastal communities thrive for generations to come.


Kristin Howard
Board Chair, Island Institute

Kimberly A. Hamilton, Ph.D.
President, Island Institute

The Year At a Glance

Fueling Community Impact

Awarded $161,519 in scholarships to 93 students from island communities

Awarded $452,924 in grants to 106 small businesses and organizations

Generated $392,000 for island and coastal artists through Archipelago sales

Standing with Community

Worked with 2,029 individuals, 545 organizations and 76 municipalities and municipal committees

Served 185 communities with projects, grants and technical assistance



We Lift Up Maine’s Working Waterfront

Maine’s coastal economy depends on the resilience of its fisheries and working waterfronts. To safeguard these critical resources, Island Institute is helping marine entrepreneurs diversify their businesses and invest in essential working waterfront infrastructure. As severe storms, shifting regulations, and volatile markets challenge our coastal businesses, we stand ready to strengthen livelihoods and ensure the long-term vitality of the Gulf of Maine.

Rebuilding with resilience after winter storms After back-to-back winter storms devastated the coast of Maine, Island Institute led immediate response and recovery efforts. Uniquely positioned to bring key partners and community members together, we assisted scores of impacted working waterfront businesses with wraparound support.

Chipman’s Wharf is shown here in March 2024 and again in September after the first stage of their rebuilding process supported by Island Institute.

Just days after the storms, we convened a ‘Storm Recovery and Resources’ webinar with state and federal partners attended by more than 700 participants. Thanks to generous Island Institute donors, we supported 52 working waterfront businesses with Storm Response Business Resilience Grants to help cover the cost of immediate repairs and shoreside improvements.

We shared resources and distributed grants to where they were needed most. We also gathered stories and data to elevate the voices of those impacted to state and federal officials. With this information, our policy team helped inform Maine’s largest-ever investment in working waterfront infrastructure, securing $22 million for protecting and strengthening our working waterfronts through the state’s $50 million Infrastructure Adaptation Fund.

These storms underscored, more than ever, the urgent need for climate-resilient working waterfronts. Island Institute remains steadfast in this commitment, just as we were before the storms, working to secure a stronger, more resilient future for Maine’s coast.



We Invest in Clean Energy Transitions

Island Institute is at the forefront of solving the challenges posed by climate change and rising energy costs. We champion clean energy solutions like electric boats and solar-power technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Through deep collaboration with communities and businesses, we’re creating models of climate solutions for Maine’s coast and beyond.

“I enrolled in Island Institute’s electric boat course because I want to move forward with electrifying the waterfront. I’ve always been interested in alternative and renewable sources of energy and how we can apply that to Maine’s marine economy, and here at Mook Sea Farm we rely on the natural resources around us—the health of the river is the health of our business.”

—Rich Smith, Facilities Manager, Mook Sea Farm


Supporting an island community and its businesses with solar power

We Deliver Community-Driven Solutions

From strengthening local infrastructure to reducing energy costs and carbon emissions, Island Institute partners with residents to build resilience tailored to each community’s unique challenges. Through initiatives like vulnerability assessments, community-led renewable energy projects, and resource-sharing networks, Island Institute equips communities with the tools, funding, and expertise they need to adapt and thrive. Working in assigned island and coastal communities, Island Institute Fellows move economic, resiliency, and climate initiatives forward.


Catalyzing Climate and Economic Solutions

2024 Glenn Fund Grantmaking

Endowed by a generous gift from the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation, along with the operational support of several additional donors, the Glenn Fund has provided nearly $2M in financial resources to vital economic resilience and community infrastructure projects since 2017. In 2024 alone, the Glenn Fund disbursed over $450,000 into 52 communities to aid rebuilding wharves, municipal climate committees, marine electrification projects, critical island businesses, and many other beneficiaries whose work aligns deeply with Island Institute’s mission and vision. Thank you to all the generous donors who have supported our continuing effort to catalyze climate and economic change in Maine’s island and coastal communities.




Island Institute’s financial resources, generously provided through philanthropic support, have increased in value due to decades of careful curation and asset management. Approximately 85% of Island Institute’s assets are represented by long-term investments, with annual draws from this portfolio providing a critical, supplementary revenue stream to our fundraising efforts. In fiscal 2024, these invested assets increased by over 12% in value.

This generous philanthropic support and careful asset management have led to a strong balance sheet with no organizational debt and important financial reserves, including board designated assets and a contingency fund. As a result, Island Institute devoted 74% of its spending toward programmatic work in fiscal 2024 (an increase from fiscal 2023). This solid financial foundation will enable Island Institute to withstand the fluctuations of global, regional, and local financial markets and continue providing critical support in response to the issues facing Maine communities for many years to come.


The Impact of Philanthropy

Our members help build a stronger Maine coast. At Island Institute, our members and donors are essential to everything we do. Every philanthropic dollar makes a huge difference in our ability to advocate for Maine’s island and coastal communities. Without the support of our members, corporate donors, and grantmakers, the impact demonstrated in this report would not be possible. Thank you!

By giving to Island Institute, you also contribute more than dollars; you join a remarkable community of dedicated supporters whose shared sense of purpose helps inform our strategic goals. Your vote of support for our work and your demonstrated commitment to the Maine coast inspire us and fuels our efforts to foster impactful change in small communities.

            GIVE TODAY!          

To learn about specific philanthropic needs and explore ways your support can make a difference, reach out to our Philanthropy Advocates! Email