Island Institute’s Fellowship program has sharpened its focus to support community-led climate and marine economy projects. Senior Community Development Officer Lisa Millette shares how this shift aligns with the Institute’s refreshed mission and Maine’s climate action plan.
Category: Blog
Reflections from the National Working Waterfront Network Conference
Posted by Gerogia Howe & filed under Blog.
At the beginning of the month, several Island Institute team members attended the National Working Waterfront Network Conference in San Diego. In addition to connecting with experts from across the country, they shared the groundbreaking work Island Institute is doing to keep Maine’s working waterfronts and marine economy ahead of the curve. We asked our team to reflect on the experience.
Storm Recovery Resources
Posted by Renny Sabina & filed under Blog.
In the wake of the recent storm, our Island and coastal communities are grappling with the devastating impacts of severe flooding and storm damage. To support the families and businesses through this difficult time, we want to share resources to access the help they need to recover from this storm and prepare for the next.
Learning on Location
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
Each fall, island schools in the Outer Island Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC) gather for unforgettable multi-day field trips that connect students, families, and communities. These trips are a core part of the TLC’s mission, enriching academic and social learning for Maine’s smallest island schools and fostering connections that last through winter.
A Trail of Memories: Becoming an Island Institute Fellow
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
I grew up on Peaks Island and recently moved to Deer Isle to work as an Island Institute Fellow to support Deer Isle & Stonington’s Adult & Community Education. I’m helping people with career transitions and assisting those whose jobs, like lobstermen, require new technological skills for tracking and reporting. As I unpacked boxes in my new apartment, I saw the little trail of memories that have led me to this moment and to become an Island Institute Fellow.
Archipelago Artist Spotlight: Kira Sangsap, Studio Choo 11
Posted by Julia Matejcek & filed under Blog.
Dylan Metrano, a multi-talented artist and co-founder of La Nef Chocolate, shares how he masterfully blends papercutting, chocolate making, and music into an inspiring and creative concoction.
Lessons in Resilience
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
As the tide surged and the winds howled last January, our coastal communities were unduly reminded of nature’s destructive power. The storms struck the coast – lifting wharves, eroding infrastructure, and bringing the livelihoods of many communities to a halt. In the aftermath, however, these storms have offered valuable lessons about how we can better protect and design our coastal infrastructure and storm response.
Innovative Technology Drives the Efficiency of Aquaculture
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
Located at the top of the Schoodic Peninsula, in the pristine waters of Frenchman Bay, Springtide Seaweed sustainably farms seaweed using minimal equipment and labor thanks in part to their internet connectivity and employment of state-of-the-art technology.
Electric Outboard Course Sparks Enthusiasm with Expert Instruction and Engaged Learners
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
After 20 years as a K-12 island educator, I often experienced the joy of student learning. Now that I mostly work with adults, I find myself missing the outward display of happiness that young students exhibit in a learning setting. While adults certainly experience joy when they learn something new, it is often a more subdued response, especially in formal settings like classrooms and professional development sessions.
Maine’s Clean Energy Communities Attract Visitors from Across the Nation
Posted by Laura England & filed under Blog.
Maine is at the forefront of community energy transitions, with Island Institute serving as the Northeast Regional Partner for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP).