About these Events:
Join us for vital community conversations to enhance our response, preparedness and resilience in the face of increasing storm events.
Ten community convenings are happening this fall and early winter throughout Maine coastal and working waterfront communities to explore how we can better respond to and prepare for future storms like the ones that hit us last January. Each convening is being organized collaboratively with local leaders and contacts, and we are grateful for their help!
The goals of this effort are to:
- Create space for community members across diverse sectors to take stock of their working waterfronts within the context of the community’s resilience since the storms.
- Share resilience and working waterfront planning work across the region: recent, underway, or planned.
- Learn about resources for public and private working waterfront resilience.
- Identify systems and networks that would be useful to have in place locally to support working waterfronts in anticipation of future storms.
Focus regions (see map here):
- Southport/Boothbay/Boothbay Harbor/Bristol/South Bristol (November 18, 2024 5-7 PM, Coastal Rivers Land Trust, 3 Round Top Lane, Damariscotta)
- Phippsburg/Georgetown/Arrowsic ((November 20, 2024 5-7 PM at The Grant Building, 31 Centre St. Bath)
- Portland/South Portland/Casco Bay Islands (December 3, 2024, 5-7 PM, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, 350 Commercial St, Portland)
- Kittery (December 5, 2024, 5-7 PM, Kittery Community Center, 120 Rogers Road, Kittery)
- Roque Bluffs/Machias/Cutler/Machiasport/Eastport/Lubec (December 10, 2024, 5-7 PM, Washington Academy, 66 Cutler Rd, East Machias)
- Jonesport/Addison/Beals (December 12, 2024, 5-7 PM, Peabody Library, 162 Main St., Jonesport)
- Milbridge/Steuben/Harrington (December 16, 2024, location TBD)
- MDI/Cranberry Isles/Trenton (January 27, 2025, location TBD)
- Blue Hill/Brooklin/Brooksville/Castine/Penobscot/Sedgwick/Surry (January 29, 2025, 5:30-7:30 PM, Blue Hill Public Library, 5 Parker Point Rd, Blue Hill)
- Sullivan/Winter Harbor/Sorrento/Hancock (TBD)
Event Information:
Snacks will be provided!
Please REGISTER for this free event if you would like to attend.
For more information, please email Olivia Richards.
More resources coming soon: Access the materials that will be shared at the convenings.
Maine Sea Grant, working in partnership with Maine Coastal Program, Island Institute and UMaine MARINE, has received funding from the National Sea Grant office to plan these convenings in response to the January 2024 storms.