oil painting of ocean cliff

Island Journal

Folio: David Vickery

The painter David Vickery explores space: outdoor, indoor, around, above, across, beyond. He is equally expert at representing the parlor and the panorama, the intimate and the out there. Vickery also loves light. There is a remarkable array on display here, from the glow of candles during a power outage to the luminosity of the night sky. Vickery made his first trip to Monhegan in 1987 and in 1993 was awarded its Carina House artist residency. He has returned on numerous occasions, drawn to favorite motifs like Gull Rock, but also bent on exploring new subject matter. A pair of lawn mowers caught his attention during a 2011 stay. Turning away from the Rockwell Kent views of the island, the painter captured the handsome machines parked in a weedy lot on Monhegan. SEE MORE

Island Journal

Aquaculture’s Next Wave

Casco Bay, dotted with hundreds of islands and stretching over 25 miles from Cape Elizabeth to Cape Small, is seeing an upswing in what could prove to be a new economic engine for the area—shellfish and seaweed farming. “It’s a really interesting area for aquaculture in the state,” said Sarah… SEE MORE
person walking trail along rocky coastline

Island Journal

Acadia’s Offshore Island

For generations, Kendra Chubbuck’s family has called the dark spruce forests, cobble beaches, and rocky cliffs of Isle au Haut home. Chubbuck, who moved to the offshore island full-time about four years ago, used to live in a little red house on the shore that was built in the 1930s… SEE MORE
man with fuel tanks

Island Journal

Cornering the Island Fuel Market

When Pete Pellerin moved to Chebeague Island in 2009, he expected some basic necessities to cost more. But he wasn’t prepared for the expense of propane to power his stove and heat his home. And even though he was juggling five jobs, he wasn’t sure how he would afford it.… SEE MORE
man working on building bottom of wooden boat

Island Journal

The Highliner’s Choice

For a fisherman—on the water daily, subject to the vagaries of weather—a boat is the thin membrane between life and death. Aesthetics in a fishing boat aren’t the most important consideration. A rugged, well-built structure that’s “seakindly” and will get a fisherman out and back safely and comfortably is. A… SEE MORE