Working Waterfront

Maine’s internet stuck in slow lane, but local innovation helps

Nearly 20 years ago, the phrase “information superhighway” was used—and probably over-used—to explain the internet and what it offered. In 2016, the analogy remains in use, though it has become more nuanced. Representatives from internet providers and island and remote coastal communities speaking at the Oct. 26 Island Broadband Conference in Hallowell—hosted by the Island… Read more » SEE MORE
The October 26 Broadband for Islands Summit


Islanders are leading the way to better broadband

11/15/2016 - After a year and half, I've come to learn what islanders already knew: broadband is the high-speed, reliable internet that is essential for economic sustainability. I had the pleasure of hearing from Maine’s islands about their progress at the Broadband Summit. SEE MORE
Bri Warner


Commercial Currents: Boosting business with better internet

10/3/2016 -

Island residents strive to provide better internet for businesses and communities

Are you frustrated when trying to run a customer’s credit card? Can’t provide WiFi? Are you prevented from working where you want to live because of poor internet service? Struggling to market your products to customers beyond your neighborhood? SEE MORE
Jesse Perez


Community Broadband Working Groups Highlight Island Strengths

7/13/2016 - Slow, unreliable broadband is a problem for all of Maine’s unbridged islands. Since the launch of the Island Institute broadband connectivity project a year ago, I’ve learned that while the 15 islands face many of the same challenges, they each bring their unique approach to solving these problems. Their progress bringing faster internet to their communities has been astoundingly thoughtful and quick. SEE MORE
Monhegan shoreline.

Working Waterfront

Fake it ’til you make it

Reflections is a monthly column written by Island Fellows, recent college grads who do community service work on Maine islands and in remote coastal communities through the Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront. Ben Algeo works with the electric utilities on Monhegan and Matinicus as they work toward energy efficiency.  The job description of your… Read more » SEE MORE
On the beach on Martha's Vineyard. From L-R: Ben Algeo


Islands, Great and Small, Find Common Energy Solutions

4/7/2016 - Monhegan Island, Isle au Haut, and Matinicus Island face critical junctures in their energy future.Monhegan and Matinicus have the highest electricity rates in New England, and Isle au Haut is reliant on a 33-year-old, two-inch-thick cable as its sole connection to the mainland for power. t the end of March, representatives from power companies on all three islands visited Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, MA to share experiences and strategies from their work creating sustainable energy systems as part of the Island Institute’s third annual Southern New England Exchange Trip. SEE MORE