First published in 1984, Island Journal, Island Institute’s annual print and digital publication, tells stories of life in Maine’s island and coastal communities, the character and livelihoods of the people who call the state of Maine their home, the history of how we got here, and the interactions between humans and nature.
- 2016
Acadia's Offshore Island
Isle au Haut includes 18 miles of national park trails.
- 2016
Cornering the Island Fuel Market
Pete Pellerin took on fuel delivery for Casco Bay islands, and consumers won.
- 2016
The Highliner's Choice
Peter Kass boats are the Rolls-Royces of the lobster fleet.
- 2015
MBNA and the Midcoast Miracle
Ten years ago, the credit-card lender was bought by Bank of America, but its legacy remains.
- 2015
A Tidal Joy Ride
Boys find a surprising third for their Vinalhaven outing
- 2015
Song of the Samsingers
How a Danish island is harmonizing renewable energy to redefine its future
- 2015
An Oyster Story
- 2015
The Alluring and Enduring Maine Coast
- 2015
Islesboro ‘Homecoming’ Shows Range of Affordable Housing
- 2015
Counting Empty Houses Come Winter
About Island Journal
Life in Maine’s Island and Coastal Communities
Island Journal was first published in 1984 by Island Institute founder Philip Conkling, a writer, and co-founder Peter Ralston, a photojournalist. An early and key supporter, the late Betsy Wyeth, urged the two to produce a publication that stood out from the field of nonprofit reports and newsletters. More than 40 years later, Island Journal continues to meet that standard, gathering stories, photographs, and art that illuminate the rich culture of life on Maine islands and in its coastal communities.
The annual publication features the stories of those who live and work on the coast and islands, and reflects our history, the lessons learned, and continually looks toward our shared future. Today, many Mainers and Island Institute supporters keep a bookshelf in their home for their Island Journal archives, which collectively, contain the larger story of the beautiful, rugged, independent, and precious way of life in our island and coastal communities.
“It is, at the very least, bad manners to care about any aspect of an island and its phenomena, without caring also about its people—past, present, and future.” – George Putz, editor Island Journal (1984-1991)
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