The Working Waterfront newspaper reports on the people and forces that shape Maine’s coastal and island communities. As publisher, Island Institute’s premise is that the cultural, environmental, and community assets here are rare and valuable, and are worth fighting for.
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- Community
- People
- Opinion
- Environment
- Marine
- Inter-island News
- Business
- Columns
- Arts
- Education
- Book Review
- Climate Change
- Cranberry Report
- Salt Water Cure
- Journal of an Island Kitchen
- Reflections
- Op Ed
- Observer
- Fathoming
- Field Notes
- Rockbound
- Essay
- Energy
- Editorial
- Letters to the Editor
- In Plain Sight
- Wrack Line
- From The Sea Up
- Dispatches from World Ocean Observatory
Women of the waterfront
Three harbormasters describe juggling competing interests
Seaver Leslie pays tribute to Brown Boatyard
Yard’s family history, craftsman ship inspire painting
Centuries-old infrastructure laid bare
Historic aids to navigation threatened by storms
The new shape of water
Fellowship includes testing island drinking water
A tree grows in Southport
Maine writer sets family reckoning in North Carolina
‘Attainable’ housing: lessons learned
Stonington panel discussion offers successful approaches
Bridge work planned in Acadia
Feds make more work visas available
On the record with… Cliff Island’s Bonnie Rideout
Musician is managing MS and inspiring the next generation
Look to nature to manage rising seas
Existing environments hold resilience capacity
Island Postcards
EPISODE 10: Keep the Light Shining
Two ambitious young women swam around the entire Island of Isle au Haut during the summer of 2019 to raise money for crucial renovations to the lighthouse.
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A nonprofit publication of the Island Institute which has been published for over 20 years.