The Working Waterfront newspaper reports on the people and forces that shape Maine’s coastal and island communities. As publisher, Island Institute’s premise is that the cultural, environmental, and community assets here are rare and valuable, and are worth fighting for.
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- Community
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- Salt Water Cure
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- Letters to the Editor
- In Plain Sight
- Wrack Line
- From The Sea Up
- Dispatches from World Ocean Observatory
New Maine Maritime Academy building reflects STEM focus
ABS Center houses labs for student, faculty research
Pairing preservation and energy efficiency
Island Institute building retains history, but ready to meet 21st century
When Mormon missionaries came to North Haven
Visit in 1837 resulted in 53 converts
From Castine to the world—again
Summer job means helping maneuver 900-foot long ship
Deer Isle community 'glad to help'
Hunting for donated seafood reveals local flavor
Ferry service agrees to study blood sample transport
Advisory board forms committee to learn how to comply
I don't play island favorites
Working on more than one island spurs questions
Casco Bay health good, but bears watching, says Friends group
Friends of Casco Bay concludes comprehensive study of water quality
Testimony sought on impacts to fishing with Beals dredge project
May 14 public hearing set
Ferry service discontinues blood sample transport
Swan's Island health center most impacted
Island Postcards
EPISODE 10: Keep the Light Shining
Two ambitious young women swam around the entire Island of Isle au Haut during the summer of 2019 to raise money for crucial renovations to the lighthouse.
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A nonprofit publication of the Island Institute which has been published for over 20 years.