The Working Waterfront newspaper reports on the people and forces that shape Maine’s coastal and island communities. As publisher, Island Institute’s premise is that the cultural, environmental, and community assets here are rare and valuable, and are worth fighting for.
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- Dispatches from World Ocean Observatory
Portland promotes cigarette butt recycling to make downtown friendlier
Restaurant owner builds street ashtrays
Portland steamships link to lucrative European market
Container shipping costs to Germany, U.K. comparable to trucking to Delaware
A dead whale washes ashore on an island: what to do?
New Vinalhaven town manager on board
Island life seeps into Judy Weber's poems
Retired teacher publishes first collection, Cutting the Grass with Scissors—Monhegan Poems
Island Postcards: Sam & Doreen Cabot
Sam and Doreen Cabot own Foggy Meadows Farm on the island of North Haven, Maine where they raise Boer goats and Katahdin sheep with compassion.
Cranberry Isles hire first on-island minister since 1951
Tom Powell hails from Pennsylvania.
Peaks islanders fight peak oil with weatherization effort
The ABCs of air movement lead auditors to quick and easy improvements
Island living, the one-wheel way
Ryan Murphy, 14, enjoys unicycling, sailing, skiing and playing music on Islesboro
On the Record: Front Street Shipyard's JB Turner
Belfast's high-end yacht service yard poised to expand again
Island Postcards
EPISODE 10: Keep the Light Shining
Two ambitious young women swam around the entire Island of Isle au Haut during the summer of 2019 to raise money for crucial renovations to the lighthouse.
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A nonprofit publication of the Island Institute which has been published for over 20 years.