Working Waterfront

The shameful history of a ‘notorious’ slave ship captain

[caption id="attachment_35121" align="alignnone" width="700"] A newspaper report on a slave ship arriving in Kittery.[/caption] Maine has a proud history of seafaring captains who braved the open ocean in pursuit of trade and fish. Capt. Frederick Drinkwater is not one of them. Drinkwater, according to research completed and presented by Kate… SEE MORE
Maine Department of Transportation officials watch an Irving ship near the Mack Point terminal in Searsport in 2013. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Maine’s ports poised for growth

The future of Maine’s three state-supported shipping ports is bright, says Matt Burns, director of the Maine Port Authority. “We have a lot of activities on our plate out to the end of the decade,” Burns said during a Feb. 14 online presentation hosted by the Waterfront Alliance, a Portland… SEE MORE
A summer afternoon on Swan's Island. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Institute implements resiliency program

The Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront, will be working with Gouldsboro, Swan’s Island, and the Cranberry Isles to oversee implementation of the state’s Community Resilience Partnership (CRP). The CRP, a program of the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, is designed for communities considering energy transitions… SEE MORE