Working Waterfront

Machias farm is betting on hemp

Ben Edwards planned to begin harvesting in mid-September, but a new variety of hemp matured almost overnight, possibly in response to heavy rains. “For whatever reason, this strain is maturing really quickly,” said Edwards, pointing to plants with yellowing leaves. “Ideally, some of these would have stayed out here for… SEE MORE
Elements coffee shop Biddeford

Working Waterfront

Strengthening Maine’s small business backbone

How often have we at the Island Institute said—like many others throughout Maine—that small business is the backbone of the state. That became clearer than ever in March of this year. Coronavirus hit. We paused. We stepped back. We shut down. It became clear that small businesses were going to… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Report: Aquaculture workforce must grow rapidly

A report by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute identifies the labor needs of Maine’s growing aquaculture industry and charts a course for the state to establish a comprehensive workforce training system to meet the demand. The report—produced in partnership with the Maine Aquaculture Association and Educate Maine, with support… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Research shows plastic is impacting larval lobster

Microplastic fiber pollution in the ocean impacts larval lobsters at each stage of their development, according to new research. A study published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin reports that the fibers affect the animals’ feeding and respiration, and they could even prevent some larvae from reaching adulthood. “In today's ocean, organisms are exposed to… SEE MORE