A female right whale and its calf.

Working Waterfront

Lobstermen rally to fight right whale ruling

By Laurie Schreiber For lobster fishermen, today’s uncertainties revolve not only around a tightening market during the pandemic, but a legal situation that questions the industry’s ability to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales. In mid-April, a federal judge ruled, in a case brought by four conservation organizations, that the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Tough times ahead, but businesses bank on resiliency

By Meghan Grabill Recent reports have suggested that Maine’s economy is highly vulnerable to the impacts of the coronavirus. On the surface, data indicators can point to many different outcomes in an approachable and easy-to-understand way. But this simplicity leaves no room for nuances like resiliency.  Many of Maine’s characteristics… SEE MORE
A cruise ship looms over a view of West Street

Working Waterfront

Cruise ship tourism appears grounded

By Tom Walsh The global, seven-seas cruise ship industry has run aground. The curious role cruise ships have played as global infection vectors for the COVID-19 pandemic has resuscitated the pejorative description of cruise ships as “floating Petri dishes” for disease incubation. “I think we’ve reached the point where we… SEE MORE
Busy Commercial Street

Working Waterfront

Will Portland choke on its success?

By Tom Groening What if Portland wasn’t in Maine? What if the state’s border with New Hampshire fell along the shore of the Royal River in Yarmouth, instead of along the Piscataqua? Or what if Portland were somehow transported to the area near Newburyport, Mass.? What would be lost? It’s… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Luke’s Lobster offers e-commerce for seafood

Luke’s Lobster has launched an e-commerce platform to offer a number of Luke’s seafood products direct-to-consumer. See: https://lukeslobster.getbento.com/shop-lukes/ This addition comes amid the COVID-19 pandemic as most of Luke’s Lobster shacks nationwide have temporarily closed. In an effort to keep as many jobs as possible, and support its fishermen, Luke’s… SEE MORE