Reilly's Bakery

Working Waterfront

Old bakery serves new Biddeford

By Sally Noble In a town brimming with youth, Reilly’s Bakery, a Biddeford Main Street institution for 100 years, thrives as an old-fashioned landmark.  Confections are packaged with genuine kindness and boxes are delicately tied with string. If the Hallmark Channel came to Biddeford, this is where they’d set up… SEE MORE
Southport Island’s Capt. Bruce White explains maritime tradition.

Working Waterfront

The truth about marine salvage

By Stephanie Bouchard With two October storms causing havoc across the state, but especially along the coast, a number of boat owners found their boats in trouble—sunk at their docks, broken free of their moorings, even too damaged to float on their own. They needed assistance with their boats, but… SEE MORE