Fishing boats in Grand Manan

Working Waterfront

Canadians try their own alternative lobster bait

By William Hall While tariffs imposed by China are focusing international attention on the demand for lobster, Maine’s top export product, a forum April 5 in Portland focused international attention on what lobsters demand. Nearly 150 people attending the Canadian/U.S. Lobstermen’s Town Meeting discussed potential solutions to the region’s shortage… SEE MORE
Nate Wildes poses at Flight Deck

Working Waterfront

The dream marriage in Maine: ‘Live+Work’ here

By Tom Groening Nate Wildes has the hardest job in Maine. Or maybe it’s the easiest. Or maybe it’s both. Wildes, 28, is tasked with the oh-so-important job of helping reverse two of Maine’s biggest demographic challenges—its stagnant population growth, and its oldest-in-the-nation population status. Both impact the state’s ability… SEE MORE
Josh Spearing looks at different kinds of PFDs

Working Waterfront

To PFD or not to PFD…

By Tom Groening//Photos by Kelli Park A quick, random survey of a half-dozen fishermen on their use of personal flotation devices, or PFDs, at the annual Maine Fishermen’s Forum in Rockport on March 1 led to a telling moment. Philip Donovan, 48, who lobsters out of Bass Harbor, acknowledged that… SEE MORE
Housing in Portland’s Munjoy Hill neighborhood has increased in value dramatically in recent years.

Working Waterfront

Home brokers try to tap Maine millennials

By William Hall Across the country, the millennial generation—roughly speaking, people born in the 1980s and 1990s—now dominates home-buying decisions that shape the future of many communities. In Maine, where residents are older on average than those of any other U.S. state, millennial buyers play an especially pivotal role. That… SEE MORE