A view of Mount Desert Island from Great Cranberry Island

Working Waterfront

National Park Service wades into worker housing issue

By Tom Walsh Maine’s uncounted thousands of seasonal workers on our coast are largely invisible. Nonetheless, they are essential cogs in the machine that makes possible the substantial revenues left behind by millions of visitors to Acadia National Park and other waterfront tourist destinations. Hotels, motels, B&Bs, restaurants, bars, gift… SEE MORE
The setting sun strikes the rocks on the island’s sheer

Working Waterfront

Canada’s Grand Manan Island beckons tourists

KELLI PARK Women harvest dulce on the island’s western shore. KELLI PARK One of Grand Manan’s fishing weirs. STORY and PHOTOS by KELLI PARK There are places that live in our imaginations and seem just beyond our reach. If you’ve been to easternmost Maine and looked across the water, you… SEE MORE
Voot Yin

Working Waterfront

MDI lab sees break-through in regenerative medicine

PHOTO: COURTESY MDI BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Kevin Strange, Ph.D., CEO of Novo Biosciences in Bar Harbor. By Tom Groening Two scientists walk into a bar. It’s not the start of a joke, but someday, it may be marked as the start of a break-through in regenerative medicine. Work that began at… SEE MORE
Ocean Approved's kelp lease site off Chebeague Island.

Working Waterfront

When kelp met mussel…

By Susie Arnold Without a doubt, aquaculture is a major growth industry in the state. And it is not just about finfish. Shellfish and seaweed farming are on the rise. A recent market study, commissioned by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, found that Maine has the potential to become… SEE MORE
Phase I of Oriole Way

Working Waterfront

Ellsworth adds walkability to residential, commercial upgrades

By Laurie Schreiber Ellsworth is experiencing a surge of development propelled both by the city and commercial interests. The Jackson Laboratory recently opened its new mouse production facility in a former Lowe’s building that was repurposed with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology. Attracted in part by the promise of several hundred… SEE MORE
Women document their visit to the Cranberry Isles.

Working Waterfront

Early numbers show tourism generally up statewide

By Laurie Schreiber To date, 2018 has been a generally strong tourist year, up from 2017 and continuing a positive trend of the past decade. “In a recent survey of our members, 86 percent said it was better than last year or at least as good, and last year was… SEE MORE