A view of Belfast's tug boats from the harbor walkway.

Working Waterfront

Stand-off on Belfast’s waterfront illustrates new dynamics

The Island Institute launched this newspaper over 20 years ago in part to highlight the importance of Maine’s working waterfronts. Those properties, from which marine harvesting and other water-dependent businesses operate, were suddenly threatened by commercial and residential development. The most visible example of that threat came when condominiums were… SEE MORE
A cruise ship off Bar Harbor.

Working Waterfront

Cruise business continues upward trend in Maine

Maine is a happening place when it comes to attracting cruise ships. The numbers just keep going up. Statewide, the season is bringing 378 cruise visits to Maine ports, said CruiseMaineUSA Director Amy Powers. The passenger yield is estimated to be over 283,000, an increase of over 6 percent above… SEE MORE
Suzette McAvoy in a hallway at the new Center for Maine Contemporary Art.

Working Waterfront

High visibility for contemporary art in Rockland

The idea behind the new Center for Maine Contemporary Art (CMCA) building on Winter Street just off Main Street in Rockland is to “turn a traditional museum inside out,” says executive director Suzette McAvoy. The building, which has been under construction and visible to much of Rockland’s downtown over the… SEE MORE
August DeLisle

Working Waterfront

Millennial generation key to Maine’s future

They’re the young generation and they’ve got something to say. And if Maine policy makers are smart, they’ll listen. After decades of dominating the economy, politics and culture, the baby boom generation has been eclipsed by millennials, those born in the 1980 to 1998 period. Since 2006, millennials outnumber boomers,… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Tales from the boatyards

Boatbuilding on Mount Desert Island By Laurie Schreiber The History Press, 2016 In a small, once-isolated Maine community like Mount Desert Island, before it became a destination resort, boatbuilding was a necessity. Everyone lived on an island; roads were few or nonexistent; water was the way to get around the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

…And counting

"In God we trust; everyone else, bring data." —Michael Bloomberg For better or worse, we live in the age of metrics. The jury isn't in yet, but I'm thinking it's better and worse. Probably the most colorful example of metrics-driven decision-making comes from the world of sports. A book and… SEE MORE