With 90 percent of seafood consumed in the U.S. imported from other countries

Working Waterfront

Globalized seafood market clashes with sustainability

In his award-winning book The Mortal Sea, historian Jeffrey Bolster detailed the 19th century decline of Northwest Atlantic fisheries, a tragedy encouraged and hidden by expansion to new waters, and advances in harvesting and processing technology that kept markets overflowing with seafood. As Bolster described it, “The market masked the… SEE MORE
Shellfish aquaculture is a growing marine-based business.

Working Waterfront

Fishermen can diversify income, presenters say

Jon Rogers started lobstering in 1967 as a child, with his grandfather. He moved on to gillnetting, shrimping, bluefin fishing and swordfishing on Georges Bank, interspersed with lobster fishing. Still, he said, “I reached a point where I was looking to do something different.” When he heard about oyster and… SEE MORE
Waves break on the shore at Roque Bluffs

Working Waterfront

Portland proactive on immigration, Wiscasset to vote on traffic plan

Maine’s role in the major party nomination process has come and gone, with the Democrats picking Bernie Sanders and the Republican faithful choosing Ted Cruz. The GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who was endorsed by Gov. Paul LePage, had a predictably dismissive remark about Cruz’s victory, saying the Canadian-born Texas senator… SEE MORE
From left

Working Waterfront

Maine’s fertile market, 7,000 miles away

One of the most fertile markets for Maine-made products is flourishing nearly 7,000 miles away. New prosperity and a growing middle class in China has created unprecedented demand for lobster and other Maine-made products. Local government and business leaders are working more aggressively than ever to market Maine products in… SEE MORE
Kristan Porter

Working Waterfront

Changes in the ocean: seeing is believing

For many seeking elected office—particularly on the Republican side—endorsing the concept of man-induced “climate change” is a vote-killer. But panelists at a Thursday, March 3 session of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum seemed to step right over the politics to address what they are seeing on the water. And what they… SEE MORE