The map shows two possible routes for a new bridge linking Eastport (formerly Moose Island) to the mainland. The route shown in the blue box

Working Waterfront

Port boosters want Eastport to be island again

The caption on an earlier version of this story incorrectly identified the preferred route for a new bridge. By Tom Groening EASTPORT — Drive around the picturesque village of Eastport and you'll see references to Moose Island. That's because until the 1930s, when an ambitious but unrealized tidal power project… SEE MORE
Renovations included refurbished seats and curtains

Working Waterfront

Bar Harbor’s Criterion Theatre gets curtain call

BAR HARBOR — In just eight months, the vintage Criterion Theater has been transformed from a mold-laden derelict into a historic gem, its elegant Art Deco details restored or faithfully reproduced. "One of the most noticeable achievements, of course, is…" said board president Michael Boland, who then took a deep… SEE MORE