And aerial view of South Portland’s Cushing’s Point Shipyard which was in full production during World War II. PHOTO: MAINE MARITIME MUSEUM

Working Waterfront

A working waterfront transformed by war

Maine can claim a lot of superlatives in terms of national shipbuilding. With about 20,000 vessels under its belt, Maine surpassed the output of states with major industrialized metropolitan areas for most of its history. Many of the shipyards and boatyards today have been the site of active shipbuilding for decades, if not a century or more, with their own claims to fame in innovation, size, or speed. In contrast there are also builders of significance that lasted a surprisingly limited amount of time and had a huge impact, like the yard pictured here. SEE MORE
Sunrise at Portland Head Light.

Working Waterfront

A better way to do tourism

Historically, the Office of Tourism focused its attention on advertising and marketing, enticing people to fill our hotels and enjoy everything Maine had to offer. This strategy has worked very successfully, spurring growth in visitation and spending and one of the nation’s most robust tourism recoveries following the pandemic. But… SEE MORE