The Harry G. Marr yard in Damariscotta, which today is home to downtown Damariscotta's municipal parking lot and boat launch. The work underway is a crew framing the minesweeper USS Security . PHOTO: MAINE MARITIME MUSEUM

Working Waterfront

Beyond destroyers and Liberty ships

Maine’s role in the nation’s effort during the World War II is most frequently discussed in terms of destroyers and Liberty ships built, military fortifications sprinkled throughout Casco Bay, and the influx of naval personnel swarming the city of Portland on shore leave from warships patrolling the Atlantic. However, there… SEE MORE
book jacket detail

Working Waterfront

Democracy dormant: How we got here

Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America By Heather Cox Richardson, Viking/Random House (2023) Eventually, evil implodes. This might be the only perennial history lesson Heather Cox Richardson omits to highlight in Democracy Awakening, her new book outlining the social and political history of the United States. This corollary… SEE MORE
Rockweed on the shore at low tide. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Rockweed harvesting is sustainable

Contrary to a recent article in this newspaper (“Illegal rockweed harvesting threatens environment,” November issue), rockweed harvesting is an environmentally sustainable practice that is crucial to the future of Maine’s working waterfront. The article took a surprisingly sour view of the industry, overstating the number of bad actors and instances… SEE MORE
Rock Bound

Working Waterfront

Columbus, Squanto, and our original sin

This, the December/January issue of The Working Waterfront, prints between a couple of holidays that are sort of related—Indigenous Peoples Day and Thanksgiving. The history embedded in these dates is worth reflection, especially as our understanding of it has evolved in recent years. The 500th anniversary of Columbus arriving in… SEE MORE