A public park space in Belfast.

Working Waterfront

Public spaces are good for the economy

Thriving public spaces contribute to the economic vitality of a community. Early New England communities often were built around a public common or public green. Initially, they might have served as grazing land for animals or a place for the exchange of goods. They often helped to organize and showcase… SEE MORE
A vacation rental property in Camden.

Working Waterfront

Maine tourism grew—again—in 2015

Where’s the cliff? That was the question tourism officials raised at the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism, held March 21-22 at the Sunday River Resort. The question had nothing to do with the snow-covered mountain looming over the resort, or the skiers enjoying the mild spring weather. The “cliff,” which… SEE MORE
A depiction of the new version of The Cat

Working Waterfront

What ‘The Cat’ can do for Portland and Maine

Maine business and government officials are expecting The Cat—the new high-speed catamaran ferry service between Portland and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia—will deliver an economic boost when it begins service on June 15. “I expect it to attract a higher level of use than what we experienced with the Nova Star, and… SEE MORE