Isle au Haut's Congregational Church.

Working Waterfront

A belfry, a rope, and a Leatherman

On Aug. 15, 1957, an article appeared in Stonington’s Island Ad-Vantages newspaper reporting on the Isle au Haut church centennial: “Sunday was a great day down on the Gem of the Penobscot. The occasion was the centennial of the Isle au Haut Congregational Church. As the entire community walked up… SEE MORE
Blue Hill aerial.

Working Waterfront

Blue Hill’s wastewater blues

A task force in Blue Hill is developing strategies to mitigate the impact of sea level rise on the town’s infrastructure and other resources. And it’s determined that the greatest risk is to the town’s wastewater treatment facility. “It will be an expensive task to upgrade the current facility as… SEE MORE