A worker at the Portland Fish Exchange sorts fish. PHOTO: MICHELE STAPLETON

Working Waterfront

Fishing for a solution

Scores of hard-plastic crates filled with ice-covered fresh fish sit on the floor of the Portland Fish Exchange, ready for inspection before the bounty is auctioned in lots to the highest bidders. The fish comes from eight boats that brought their catches of cod, haddock, monkfish, grey sole, and other… SEE MORE
Maiden Cove cover detail

Working Waterfront

The perils of love and lobstering

Maiden Cove: A Novel By Roy Knight (2020) Review by Dana Wilde Roy Knight grew up just about a stone’s throw from Maiden Cove, right on the channel into Portland Harbor between Cape Elizabeth and Cushing Island. As a teenager in the mid-1960s, he learned lobstering in that channel from… SEE MORE
An aerial view of the light. PHOTO: COURTESY SUSAN GRACE

Working Waterfront

Swan’s Island light celebrates restoration anniversary

  [caption id="attachment_32902" align="alignleft" width="500"] The tower shrouded with the required scaffolding.[/caption] In January 1857, Benjamin Stinson and 83 citizens of Swan’s Island and Deer Island petitioned Congress for an appropriation for a lighthouse. Some of the family names in that petition—Joyce, Staples, Sprague, Stockbridge—are still found on Swan’s Island… SEE MORE