Row houses in Eastport. PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Affordable around New England

Maine is not the only state to grapple with a lack of affordable housing. A combination of aging populations and aging housing stock has created an acute affordable housing shortage throughout the region. Because of the steep costs and massive needs to build such housing, many nonprofits and local governments… SEE MORE
Dr. Tiffany Manuel

Working Waterfront

Affordable housing—from ‘they’ to ‘we’

An outsider might be baffled by Maine’s housing statistics. Some 70 percent of us own our own homes. Yet according to MaineHousing Director Dan Brennan, housing is now at “crisis levels we’ve never seen before.” Brennan spoke at MaineHousing’s Oct. 20 conference, which the state agency hosts every other year.… SEE MORE
The Brooks family; from left: Mark, Sally, Julie, and Stephen. FILE PHOTO: JULIA NEMY

Working Waterfront

Worker shortage impacting lobster fishery

You see the signs everywhere: “Help Wanted” or “Hiring Now.” Businesses in every sector of Maine’s economy have found it difficult to hire the number and type of workers they need. The problem has become acute in the businesses that supply lobstermen with their traps and other equipment. “Sadly, we’ve… SEE MORE
Stonington harbor. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Lobstermen’s Association sues over whale rules

The Maine Lobstermen’s Association filed a lawsuit in early September against the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Secretary of Commerce in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the federal government’s ten‐year whale protection plan. The suit claims the plan will all but eliminate the… SEE MORE
The Union Congregational Church on Isle au Haut. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

An island church history

The Union Congregational Church on Isle au Haut was founded in 1857 and built by island residents on a hill overlooking the village and thoroughfare. The Rev. Joshua Eaton was the first pastor, and there were seven original members, five of them named Turner. [caption id="attachment_28835" align="alignleft" width="400"] The Union… SEE MORE