Korey DeBoth

Working Waterfront

MMA honors student for COVID efforts

Midshipman Korey DeBoth, a senior in Maine Maritime Academy’s marine transportation operations program, has been announced as the college’s 2021 recipient of the Phyllis Tenney Community Service and Leadership Award. [caption id="attachment_25933" align="alignleft" width="300"] Korey DeBoth[/caption] The award is presented annually in honor of Phyllis Tenney who served Maine Maritime… SEE MORE
Rockport Opera House

Working Waterfront

Days and nights at the opera house

After the Civil War, small towns across the United States began constructing and opening opera houses, including across Maine’s interior and coast. As the days of traveling entertainers wound down, and cars allowed more people to travel to larger cities for their entertainment, opera houses began shuttering. Some were torn… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Finding a community’s stories, old and new

Reflections is written by Island Fellows, recent college grads who do community service work on Maine islands and in coastal communities through the Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront. In discovering local history, each search is worth more than an answer. It’s summed up in the phrase, “It’s there, if… SEE MORE
Island Commons

Working Waterfront

Caring for our elders: A call to action

Maine’s getting old, faster than any other state. Now is the time for “policymakers and lawmakers to think boldly about how best to address Mainers’ needs for long-term care services.” That call to action was issued more than a decade ago. The 2010 recommendations by experts convened by the Maine… SEE MORE