A pier in Jonesport. FILE PHOTO: LESLIE BOWMAN

Working Waterfront

Fellowship supports marine science Downeast

This July, two co-workers and I drove north and east to Great Wass Island. The island is connected by a bridge to Beals Island, off of Jonesport, and is the home of the Downeast Institute. I was excited to meet Hannah Greene, an Island Institute Fellow, and my mentee for the past year. Hannah lives on the island and supports the Downeast Institute’s education programs. SEE MORE
Maine Maritime Academy students work on deck on the training vessel State of Maine. FILE PHOTO: TOM GROENING

Working Waterfront

Brennan to retire from MMA

William J. Brennan, president of Maine Maritime Academy, has announced his decision to retire after the upcoming school year, capping off 12 years of dedicated service to the institution. “It is an exciting moment for me, but I really do have mixed emotions about the announcement,” Brennan said. “This is… SEE MORE