A view of Vinalhaven's downtown.

Working Waterfront

The island wave is part of self-governing

Reflections is written by Island Fellows, recent college grads who do community service work on Maine islands and in coastal communities through the Island Institute, publisher of The Working Waterfront. As I drove down Main Street on Vinalhaven for the first time, admiring the dozens of lobster boats moored in Carver’s… SEE MORE
This photo was taken at the 1936 Warren Bicentennial Celebration. From left are: Frank Peters, Rosa Peters, William Peters, Olivia Peters, Sydney Peters, and Grace Carter Peters. PHOTO: COURTESY WARREN HISTORICAL SOCIETY

Working Waterfront

Former slaves founded community in the Midcoast

About a mile off Route 1 in the woods of Warren is an off-the-beaten track cemetery. It is the only physical remnant accessible to the public of Peterborough, a once-thriving interracial community that had a major impact on building the economy of coastal Maine. The community was the subject of… SEE MORE