The array of "listening" equipment at Cutler.

Working Waterfront

Defending the nation Downeast

By Tom Walsh Among the people working dawn to dusk on the Downeast coast are those whose bosses are in the Pentagon. The rich history of the 20th century Cold War military presence in the region continues to resonate. That’s especially true within the Hancock County village of Prospect Harbor and… SEE MORE
Sisters Betsy and Jill Philbrook fish from their boat off Swan's Island. Betsy first fished with her grandmother

Working Waterfront

Swan’s Island honors women who fished

PHOTO COURTESY SWAN'S ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Betsy Philbrook, in 1988, rigs her first trap. Betsy Philbrook’s grandmother, Melita Staples, was up for anything except cooking and housecleaning. “She used to bait tubs when she was younger,” said Philbrook. “She was much  happier driving a  dumptruck or working on a dock than staying… SEE MORE
A drone view of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Working Waterfront

North Haven comes together for its elderly

  WILLIAM TREVASKIS Hannah Pingree, right, speaks during a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Southern Harbor House. Kathi Lovell, board member of Southern Harbor Eldercare Services is at center, and the facility's administrator, Lindsey Beverage, is at far left. Thanks to over 400 donors, $3.4 million has been raised for the construction… SEE MORE