Firefighters squeeze into the galley to fight a simulated grease fire.

Working Waterfront

Fire in the galley!

Charles Salerno surveys the scene with a sharp eye. Several figures in bright yellow and orange jackets and pants crawl up to a doorway, their breathing masks and oxygen tanks making movement difficult. Their helmets bounce off of one another's visors, and their heavy gloves make handling the 2-inch hose… SEE MORE
Vinalhaven girls defend.

Working Waterfront

The rewards of coaching and being coached

Kelsey Byrd is an Island Fellow, a participant in a two-year service program operated by AmeriCorps and the Island Institute, doing community development work on islands and remote coastal communities. When I first moved to Vinalhaven a year and half ago, I was excited to help coach the high school… SEE MORE
Michael Young at work with students.

Working Waterfront

Maine Maritime Academy hires alumnus to develop offshore industry program

Maine Maritime Academy has hired Michael Young of Ellsworth, a 1977 MMA graduate and previous instructor at the college to develop courses and programs to prepare students for jobs in offshore industries. The industries encompass oil and gas exploration, sub-sea engineering, dynamic positioning, floating production and storage offshore and supply vessel operations.… SEE MORE