A beach at Naskeag Harbor in Brooklin.

Working Waterfront

Maine beach monitoring program to lose EPA funding

With summer fast approaching, Mainers and visitors are already flocking to the state's beaches. But how clean is the water, and is it safe for swimming? According to a 2014 report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Maine ranked 27th on a list of 30 coastal states for water… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Pairing preservation and energy efficiency

I hadn't considered historic property management as a part of the work of running the Island Institute, but with a 165-year-old building on Main Street in Rockland being our headquarters, I've had to learn the basics. I've learned that for some, the act of restoring historic properties is akin to… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Arctic holds shipping opportunities for Maine

  Receding ice in the Arctic is the dramatic, even shocking result of climate change, climatologists say. But despite what may be understood as environmental catastrophe, open waters in the previously ice-bound region present opportunity. Those opportunities include new shipping lanes, oil and gas exploration and even tourism. This year,… SEE MORE
A lobster boat surrounded by ice in Lincolnville Beach.

Working Waterfront

The winter that was, from Kittery to Belfast

As the days get warmer and the sun angle increases, causing the snow to melt and flow back into the ground, rivers and ocean, many of us think of flowers blooming, vibrant green leaves on the trees, and planting for the summer garden. Let's take a few minutes to remember… SEE MORE