Working Waterfront

‘Working the Sea’ is Marine Museum’s summer show

[caption id="attachment_36904" align="aligncenter" width="375"] A dipnet full of scup, or porgies, rests on the trap boat gunwale as Tony Coccoro repeats the endless task of repairing tears in the weir net. PHOTO: MILSON MOORE, NATIONAL FISHERMAN COLLECTION[/caption] The Penobscot Marine Museum’s 2023 exhibit “Working the Sea” will feature photographs from… SEE MORE
flow chart

Working Waterfront

Commission approves lobster size rules

An interstate regulatory commission has approved a rule that could change the minimum and maximum sizes for lobster harvesting as a means of protecting the species. The change was adopted May 5 by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s lobster management board. The new rule establishes a trigger mechanism to… SEE MORE
Paul Drinan, executive director of the Friends of Fort Gorges, poses inside the fort in Portland Harbor during a tour.

Working Waterfront

Fort Gorges—Time for new ownership?

PHOTOS BY JOEL PAGE [caption id="attachment_36816" align="alignright" width="600"] Fort Gorges in Portland Harbor, as seen from the water.[/caption] Fort Gorges has stood prominently in the middle of Portland Harbor for more than 150 years. A group that advocates on behalf of the granite Civil War-era fortress wants to make sure… SEE MORE
From left, Allison, Ben, and Beverly Edwards, who own and operate Schoppee Farm.

Working Waterfront

Machias is on the move

[caption id="attachment_36197" align="alignright" width="560"] Bill Kitchen, Machias town manager.[/caption] If you ask Bill Kitchen what’s going well in Machias, you’ll need to sit back because you’ll be listening for a while. Kitchen is a passionate booster for the shire town of Washington County. In fact, five years ago, during his… SEE MORE