Maine State House

Working Waterfront

Coastal legislators focus on climate

When legislators in Congress and the state legislature find common interest—across the bodies in which they serve, and even across party lines—they form groups, known as caucuses. It’s a strategic way to exert power, to offer support for ideas as a voting bloc. One such group in the Maine legislature… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Maine must see bigger picture on utility project

When Australia lit up with wildfires and 105-plus degree temperatures, we could ignore the consequences of global warming—it was half a world away. When California, Oregon, and Washington lit up with record breaking wildfires, air temperatures that reached 120 degrees, and unhealthful drift smoke that reached Maine, the consequences of… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

A new, old-fashioned way to serve school lunch

Lincoln Academy students who purchase lunch will now eat it out of what are known as “tiffin” containers. Tiffins are reusable stainless-steel lunchboxes that can be washed and sanitized every day which will significantly reduce schools packaging costs as well as plastic waste. Most schools use disposable plastic containers—thousands of… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Downeast cranberries were a bust, too

In a good year, Sugar Hill Farm harvests 50,000 to 80,000 pounds of cranberries. Not surprisingly, 2020 has not been a good year, even for Maine’s drop-in-the-bucket cranberry industry. Too hot. Too cold. Too much rain. Too little rain. Such is farming. [caption id="attachment_22750" align="alignleft" width="199"] Christine Alexander. PHOTO: TOM… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Island Institute awarded energy contract

The Island Institute is one of five organizations in the country to be awarded a contract by the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project, or ETIPP. As a partner in this new U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored initiative, the Island Institute will be awarded $330,000 over three years by the National Renewable… SEE MORE