Working Waterfront

State signals support of offshore wind

Earlier this year, Gov. Janet Mills announced her terms for the back-in-motion effort to site wind turbines in the Gulf of Maine. She is asking the legislature to back a ten-year moratorium on wind projects in the waters managed by the state—those within three miles of shore—and she affirmed her… SEE MORE
A park ranger uses a mobile device to verify a visitor's reservation at the entrance to the Cadillac Summit Road during an 18-day pilot in October. PHOTO: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE/JOHN KELLY

Working Waterfront

Acadia officials optimistic about 2021 visitation

  [caption id="attachment_24334" align="alignnone" width="725"] Seen here is a rendering of Phase 2 construction of the Acadia Gateway Center in Trenton. PHOTO: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE[/caption] Acadia National Park Superintendent Kevin Schneider is optimistic that visitation this year could be at or near normal levels, as the vaccination rollout boosts traveler… SEE MORE
Josh Rowan and Erin Desmond are restoring Hindu in Thomaston.

Working Waterfront

Restoring Hindu

What could be better than a vessel that encapsulates the timelessness of a love story, the enchantment of a fairy tale, and the mystical allure of a legend? Well, how about one with the spirit of Maine in its every fiber. [caption id="attachment_24228" align="alignright" width="700"] Josh Rowan and Erin Desmond.… SEE MORE
fish prices

Working Waterfront

Seafood: great for health, environment, economy

Seafood has a lot going for it when it comes to health, the environment, and the economy. “We’d like to see more seafood on people’s plates and also see working waterfronts and coastal communities thriving and not just surviving,” said Kyle Foley, senior program manager of the sustainable seafood program… SEE MORE