A female right whale and its calf.

Working Waterfront

Lobstermen rally to fight right whale ruling

By Laurie Schreiber For lobster fishermen, today’s uncertainties revolve not only around a tightening market during the pandemic, but a legal situation that questions the industry’s ability to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales. In mid-April, a federal judge ruled, in a case brought by four conservation organizations, that the… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Ticks make early appearance

By Wanda Curtis Maine’s tick season started early this year, says Chuck Lubelczyk, a vector ecologist at Maine Medical Center Research Institute. Tick activity was observed in late February and early March tied to the mild winter. Ticks were sighted earlier than normal as far north as Bangor, he reported.… SEE MORE
A cruise ship looms over a view of West Street

Working Waterfront

Cruise ship tourism appears grounded

By Tom Walsh The global, seven-seas cruise ship industry has run aground. The curious role cruise ships have played as global infection vectors for the COVID-19 pandemic has resuscitated the pejorative description of cruise ships as “floating Petri dishes” for disease incubation. “I think we’ve reached the point where we… SEE MORE