Hank Berg

Working Waterfront

Casco Bay Lines responds to booming bay, city

By Tom Groening Portland’s waterfront is booming—new hotels, restaurants, pubs, a marina—so it’s no wonder the ferry serving Casco Bay’s islands is responding to that activity, says Hank Berg. Casco Bay Lines (CBL), for which Berg is general manager, has a lengthy history on the city’s waterfront, though recently, it’s… SEE MORE
Molly Siegel

Working Waterfront

Swimming to, and for the light

The iconic Isle au Haut lighthouse, operating since 1907, is a treasured landmark. Perched beside the mouth of the Isle au Haut Thorofare, it is a beacon for boats and a much-loved sight for all who pass by. The tower is community owned and is in dire need of a… SEE MORE
A scenic view of an island off Scotland.

Working Waterfront

It’s time for a national islands act

By Rob Snyder I couldn’t help but find the timing appropriate. Five years ago, the Island Institute added the banner “Strengthening Communities” to our website. And late last month, I found myself being escorted—by a bagpiper, no less—to a keynote speaking engagement at the second “Strengthening Communities Conference” in the… SEE MORE