Working Waterfront

‘Working the Sea’ is Marine Museum’s summer show

[caption id="attachment_36904" align="aligncenter" width="375"] A dipnet full of scup, or porgies, rests on the trap boat gunwale as Tony Coccoro repeats the endless task of repairing tears in the weir net. PHOTO: MILSON MOORE, NATIONAL FISHERMAN COLLECTION[/caption] The Penobscot Marine Museum’s 2023 exhibit “Working the Sea” will feature photographs from… SEE MORE
Maine Seacoast Mission’s Sunbeam docked in Northeast Harbor with the Planet Pan steel drum band.

Working Waterfront

Sunbeam heads south

[caption id="attachment_36825" align="alignright" width="600"] Maine Seacoast Mission’s Sunbeam anchored in Cape Split Harbor.[/caption] At the end of July, Maine Seacoast Mission’s flagship vessel, the 74-foot Sunbeam, will host two open houses in the Falmouth-Portland and Boothbay Harbor regions. Both events are open to the public. Visitors can tour the boat… SEE MORE
flow chart

Working Waterfront

Commission approves lobster size rules

An interstate regulatory commission has approved a rule that could change the minimum and maximum sizes for lobster harvesting as a means of protecting the species. The change was adopted May 5 by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s lobster management board. The new rule establishes a trigger mechanism to… SEE MORE
Paul Drinan, executive director of the Friends of Fort Gorges, poses inside the fort in Portland Harbor during a tour.

Working Waterfront

Fort Gorges—Time for new ownership?

PHOTOS BY JOEL PAGE [caption id="attachment_36816" align="alignright" width="600"] Fort Gorges in Portland Harbor, as seen from the water.[/caption] Fort Gorges has stood prominently in the middle of Portland Harbor for more than 150 years. A group that advocates on behalf of the granite Civil War-era fortress wants to make sure… SEE MORE
From left, Allison, Ben, and Beverly Edwards, who own and operate Schoppee Farm.

Working Waterfront

Machias is on the move

[caption id="attachment_36197" align="alignright" width="560"] Bill Kitchen, Machias town manager.[/caption] If you ask Bill Kitchen what’s going well in Machias, you’ll need to sit back because you’ll be listening for a while. Kitchen is a passionate booster for the shire town of Washington County. In fact, five years ago, during his… SEE MORE