Fishing boats in Grand Manan

Working Waterfront

Canadians try their own alternative lobster bait

By William Hall While tariffs imposed by China are focusing international attention on the demand for lobster, Maine’s top export product, a forum April 5 in Portland focused international attention on what lobsters demand. Nearly 150 people attending the Canadian/U.S. Lobstermen’s Town Meeting discussed potential solutions to the region’s shortage… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Shellfish gets a closer look at fishermen’s forum

By Susie Arnold The first day of the annual Maine Fishermen's Forum, held in early March, is traditionally "Shellfish Day," focusing on Maine's bivalve fisheries. Presentations covering wild harvested bivalves and farmed shellfish yielded valuable insights. By commercial license numbers, the soft-shell clam is the state’s second largest fishery, following… SEE MORE
Josh Spearing looks at different kinds of PFDs

Working Waterfront

To PFD or not to PFD…

By Tom Groening//Photos by Kelli Park A quick, random survey of a half-dozen fishermen on their use of personal flotation devices, or PFDs, at the annual Maine Fishermen’s Forum in Rockport on March 1 led to a telling moment. Philip Donovan, 48, who lobsters out of Bass Harbor, acknowledged that… SEE MORE
The Port of Galilee in Rhode Island is home to a thriving squid fishery

Working Waterfront

Gone squiddin’ in Galilee

By Ari Snider Capt. Kevin Jones has been fishing out of the Port of Galilee, in southern Rhode Island, for a long time. “You know, I’m 63, and I started going when I was six years old,” he said. As a kid growing up near one of Rhode Island’s busiest… SEE MORE