Sisters Betsy and Jill Philbrook fish from their boat off Swan's Island. Betsy first fished with her grandmother

Working Waterfront

Swan’s Island honors women who fished

PHOTO COURTESY SWAN'S ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Betsy Philbrook, in 1988, rigs her first trap. Betsy Philbrook’s grandmother, Melita Staples, was up for anything except cooking and housecleaning. “She used to bait tubs when she was younger,” said Philbrook. “She was much  happier driving a  dumptruck or working on a dock than staying… SEE MORE
Seas break over the main road on Islesboro in the area known as the Narrows.

Working Waterfront

Innovative infrastructure in face of sea-level rise

By Susie Arnold, Kate Tagai, and Allison Carmen Rising ocean levels and increasing storm frequency and intensity are already having an impact along the Maine coast. How we choose to adapt and improve our coastal infrastructure will determine how our communities succeed. Traditional approaches to improving built infrastructure include increasing the diameter… SEE MORE
An aerial view of House Island in Casco Bay.

Working Waterfront

Estuary Beat: A focus on monitoring

How blue is Casco Bay? Friends of Casco Bay is recruiting volunteers to help monitor water quality by observing the color of the water. The color of estuaries and bays can be an indicator of nutrient and sediment concentrations and phytoplankton production. With a simple smartphone photograph, volunteers can provide… SEE MORE