An audience of about 120 listens to Beth Orcutt at Bigelow Laboratories for Ocean Science in East Boothbay.

Working Waterfront

Tech’s wave may rely on deep sea

Thousands of feet below the ocean’s surface, in the deep sea near hydrothermal vents, are increasingly coveted resources. As an international body met in mid-July to discuss how to manage these resources, members of the public met in East Boothbay to hear from a deep sea scientific researcher about what… SEE MORE
A drone view of the property the city has dubbed "Belfast Yards."

Working Waterfront

City wants development on waterfront lot

Like that of most coastal towns, Belfast’s commercial waterfront is a finite stretch of real estate. Mike Hurley defines it as the shoreline that extends from the Route 1 bridge south to what is known locally as the Boathouse. “There ain’t no more,” jokes Hurley, a city councilor and long-time… SEE MORE
Corea's harbor is a lobstering haven.

Working Waterfront

Corea hailed by locals and visitors as ‘the real Maine’

  LAURIE SCHREIBER The crew prepares food at Joe Young’s Wharf Grill & Gallery. The tiny fishing village of Corea is easily missed by those traveling on the Schoodic Peninsula. Part of the larger town of Gouldsboro, it’s several miles from the peninsula’s portion of Acadia National Park, a hub… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Coastal Cleanup begins Sept. 15

Registration is now open for Maine’s Coastweek Coastal Cleanup which begins Saturday, Sept. 15 and runs through Saturday, Sept. 22. One of Maine’s largest volunteer events, the Coastal Cleanup provides an opportunity for people of all ages to keep Maine’s coastal shoreline and associated waterways clean. Each year over a thousand participants clean… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Salmon from a fish tank

On the Fourth of July, many a Maine family once sat down to a traditional meal of fresh salmon, garden peas, and new potatoes dug from the warm earth. A century ago, Maine salmon were known around the world as being among the best of seafoods. In the late 18th… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Reading the ‘priestess of nature’ who took on the ‘elixirs of death’

By Tom Walsh                                  If you don’t know much—or even anything at all—about Rachel Carson, here’s your chance. The Library of America recruited the help of editor Sandra Steingraber in recently publishing a new retrospective on marine biologist Rachel Carson and her seminal role in jump-starting environmentalism in post-World War II… SEE MORE