Working Waterfront

Boston considers seawall to fight rising seas

Communities along Maine’s coast have endured several storm-related floods in recent years, and discussions are underway for how to make these communities more adaptable in the face of projected sea level rise. Maine municipal planners may be interested to learn how their counterparts in Boston are approaching this challenge. A… SEE MORE
Conference attendees at Whaleback Shell Midden Historic Site in Damariscotta listen to Arthur Spiess

Working Waterfront

Ancient shell middens speak of climate and culture

It’s not often that ordinary folks get to help protect the state’s ancient cultural history, but a group of academics, archaeologists, and scientists is spearheading a citizen scientist initiative to do just that. These newly minted citizen scientists will monitor some of the state’s 2,000 or so known prehistoric shell… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Building a better lobster trap

It would be nice, Mark Brooks admits, if his family’s business could make just a few types of lobster traps. But with a laugh, he explains that lobstermen, legendary for their independent views on what works and what doesn’t, would not be the loyal customers they are if the company… SEE MORE