Working Waterfront

The tides as one step away from God

Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean By Jonathan White 2017: Trinity University Press Like the tides themselves, this book literally covers the earth. Author Jonathan White gets us started with a dramatic personal story: accidentally grounding his schooner in 1990 in Kalinin Bay, Alaska, in 40-knot winds at… SEE MORE
Houses close to the shore on Moody Beach in Wells

Working Waterfront

Maine beaches remain battlegrounds

A day-long conference devoted to beaches on the coast of Maine, in July, might seem like, well, a day at the beach. In fact, beaches here are at the center of threats and debates. Threats include sea level rise, erosion, and land-based pollution. Debates swirl around development, flood insurance, and… SEE MORE
A wooden trap decays on the shore in Corea.

Working Waterfront

​A new, plastic threat to ocean health

By Charles A. Kniffen Twenty-five years of kayaking the Maine coast from Brown Cow ledge in Casco Bay to trailing minke whales off West Quoddy Light; one-quarter of a century picking up storm-tossed lobster pot buoys, ragged drapes of seine, wild tangles of beached trap-line, big, rubber mooring buoys, et.… SEE MORE
Jamie Wyeth

Working Waterfront

Colby College comes to the coast

Both institutions see their missions as providing high-quality education to a relatively small group of students. Beyond that, Waterville’s Colby College and Port Clyde’s Herring Gut Learning Center would seem to have little in common. Beginning late last year, though, Colby and Herring Gut began a partnership aimed at enhancing… SEE MORE
A striped bass hooked on a lure.

Working Waterfront

Why not restore stripers to Gulf of Maine?

Michael J. LittleI read with interest the Fathoming column in the June issue of The Working Waterfront (“Signs of spring in our rivers and bays”) about the resurgence of fish migrations in the rivers and bays of the coast of Maine. I think it is very exciting that these populations… SEE MORE
A Fresnel lens on display.

Working Waterfront

‘Into The Lantern’ illuminates lighthouse story

Inhaling the salty smell of the sea, feeling the wind blow across your skin, hearing the calls of seabirds and crashing surf—there is nothing like standing on the catwalk outside a lighthouse’s lantern room. Before this summer, you had to actually climb the tower stairs of a bona fide lighthouse… SEE MORE