From left: Andy Bertocci

Working Waterfront

Casco Bay better for volunteer efforts

More than 100 volunteers and supporters of Friends of Casco Bay attended a Jan. 24 recognition ceremony honoring those who give their time to help protect the environmental health of Casco Bay. The Volunteer Appreciation Celebration was an opportunity for Friends of Casco Bay to thank all its volunteers, including those who monitor… SEE MORE
Leah Kruger and Jonathan Tetro take a "selfie" at the marina.

Working Waterfront

Living below deck, year-round

In the summer, marinas along Maine’s coast are like bustling cities filled to bursting with sojourners. But come late fall, the marinas that don’t shut down for winter transform into tight-knit small towns when a singular breed of tenant takes up residence: winter “liveaboards.” Unlike in more temperate parts of… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Urchin harvest begins Downeast

The sea urchin harvest season began Oct. 1 and continues through March 3. Kasey Nicholas Smith, a student at the University of Maine at Machias, was aboard the Pandalus of Eastport, captained by George "Butch" Harris, to photograph the work. The boat's crew includes Clifton Smith Jr. and Frederick Moore IV.… SEE MORE
Capt. Mike Flanagan.

Working Waterfront

Long-time merchant mariner reflects on sea lessons

By Isabel Reddy The ship, a 100,000-ton, 750-foot-long cargo transport, was in heavy weather. The anchor was banging away against the bow. Weighing around 1,600 pounds, it could do considerable damage. The captain, Mike Flanagan, responded to the emergency by telling a crew member, “Secure the anchor.” The crew member… SEE MORE