The undersea national monument.

Working Waterfront

National monument process rankles fishermen

A land map of the United States reveals a patchwork of federally protected areas, while a map of the Atlantic Ocean, until recently, had no protected areas. That changed in September when President Barack Obama set aside an ecologically rich swath of waters southeast of Cape Cod for a new… SEE MORE
Prof. Gayle Kraus

Working Waterfront

UMaine Machias students grows her own coral

Coral reefs make up less than 1 percent of the ocean floor, yet they provide shelter for as much as a quarter of sea life. “They’re a huge keystone ecosystem for the ocean,” explains Clair Aldrich, a senior at the University of Maine at Machias. “They’re so important.” So important—especially… SEE MORE
Pedalers on the foot-powered Maine Baycycle enjoy their beverages.

Working Waterfront

Going footloose on Casco Bay

PHOTO STORY BY KATIE JOHNSON There’s a new boat in town, and a new way to get out on the waters of Casco Bay. Maine Baycycle, run by captain and Peaks Island native Neil Kinner, provides a 90-minute pedal powered cruise of Portland’s waterfront that’s different from anything else out… SEE MORE
Bottom Line in Corea harbor.

Working Waterfront

Financial hacks for fishermen

A version of this column first appeared in Landings, the newsletter of the Maine Lobstermen’s Community Alliance and is reprinted here with permission. Thinking about a new boat? Knowing how to pay for it is important. To help fishermen better understand financial management, the Vinalhaven Coop brought some experts from… SEE MORE