Unloading in Stonington.

Working Waterfront

Lobster license bill wins committee approval

  The legislature’s Marine Resources Committee voted unanimously Feb. 24 to advance legislation at improving the efficiency of Maine’s lobster licensing system, speeding up the rate of turnover, shortening wait lists and encouraging young people to continue Maine’s lobstering tradition. “This has been a contentious problem for a long time, and lobsters… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Where on the coast?

Can you identify this week's "mystery harbor"? Here's a hint: It's most certainly on an island.  If you think you know the answer, email us at: whereonthecoast@gmail.com. We'll send a copy of the 2015 Island Journal to the first five to correctly identify the island.   SEE MORE
A 1970s-vintage postcard showing Beals Island.

Working Waterfront

Greetings from Maine!

If Maine is indeed "Vacationland," the state should be well-documented in postcards. And it is, as can be seen in Maine Memories: A Vintage Postcard Tour, by John Brunkowski and Michael Closen. SEE THE SLIDESHOW The couple had visited Maine in their RV for about 30 years, Closen says, "and… SEE MORE
A memorial service was held in Rockland for two of the area's victims in the El Faro sinking.

Working Waterfront

What doomed the El Faro?

Battered by Hurricane Joaquin as it traveled from Jacksonville, Florida to Puerto Rico, the 790-foot cargo ship El Faro sank east of the Bahamas on Oct. 1. Thirty-three mariners perished, including five graduates of Maine Maritime Academy and two from Massachusetts Maritime Academy. As is the nature of sea disasters,… SEE MORE