The fishing vessel Westward being towed off a ledge by Fuller Marine Services in  Boothbay Harbor on Jan. 9.

Working Waterfront

The Wrack Line

Compiled by Tom Groening In baseball, the hitter gets three strikes. But when it comes to a 136-foot fishing boat wandering off it's mooring, there is no third strike. The Boothbay Register has been following the saga of the Westward, a steel-hulled, Dutch-built vessel that has been moored in Boothbay… SEE MORE
A lobster boat off Stonington.

Working Waterfront

Lobster marketing strategy centers on ‘new shell’

ROCKPORT — A firm hired by the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative to help grow markets for and increase the value of the state's signature seafood unveiled its strategy at the Maine Fishermen's Forum on Friday, March 6. Representatives from the firm Weber Shandwick said their vision aims to: Establish the… SEE MORE
Michael Young at work with students.

Working Waterfront

Maine Maritime Academy hires alumnus to develop offshore industry program

Maine Maritime Academy has hired Michael Young of Ellsworth, a 1977 MMA graduate and previous instructor at the college to develop courses and programs to prepare students for jobs in offshore industries. The industries encompass oil and gas exploration, sub-sea engineering, dynamic positioning, floating production and storage offshore and supply vessel operations.… SEE MORE
Diane Cowan

Working Waterfront

Stranded by choice

When lobster scientist Diane Cowan heard that friends planned to airlift a box of goodies to her on Friendship Long Island, where she's been stranded since Jan. 30 due to extreme ice conditions, she broke into laughter. "I thought it was hilarious," said Cowan in a cellphone interview from the… SEE MORE
A map showing the ports at which Eimskip calls.

Working Waterfront

Portland steamships link to lucrative European market

PORTLAND — One of the best business opportunities Maine has seen in years could begin with a single pallet-load of goods. That opportunity is now available through Eimskip, the Icelandic company that in the last two years has established a shipping facility at the west end of Commercial Street. Eimskip… SEE MORE