A lobster boat near Swan's Island.

Working Waterfront

Swan’s Island man loses fishing licenses

Lucas Lemoine, the 33-year-old scallop fisherman from Swan's Island charged earlier this year with multiple violations of marine resources laws, has had all of his commercial fishing licenses permanently revoked as a result of a history of violations that goes back almost two decades. This is the first time a… SEE MORE
Firefighters squeeze into the galley to fight a simulated grease fire.

Working Waterfront

Fire in the galley!

Charles Salerno surveys the scene with a sharp eye. Several figures in bright yellow and orange jackets and pants crawl up to a doorway, their breathing masks and oxygen tanks making movement difficult. Their helmets bounce off of one another's visors, and their heavy gloves make handling the 2-inch hose… SEE MORE
Robin Alden

Working Waterfront

Robin Alden recognized as innovator in fisheries work

STONINGTON — Robin Alden is the recipient of the 2015 Innovator Award as part of the first SOURCE Maine Sustainability Awards presented on April 9 at Pineland Farms in New Gloucester. The award is one of seven given to Maine leaders, organizations and businesses. "Alden has made it her life's work to… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Lessons learned on offshore wind

Block Island, 12 miles off the coast of Rhode Island, has a year-round population of about 950. Residents pay up to 60 cents per kilowatt hour for their electricity, which is generated on the island with diesel generators. Summer brings an influx of visitors and vacationers—and their money— with as… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Don’t give up on groundfishing just yet

"Why should we help those who destroyed their own fishery?" This is the question that is usually trotted out when there is a debate about allowing lobster bycatch on groundfish boats here in Maine. (Bycatch is the term that refers to species incidentally caught in fishing gear in addition to… SEE MORE
The Morris Yachts yard in Bass Harbor is up for sale. The old Sim Davis building is on the right.

Working Waterfront

Developer ponders new uses for old Bass Harbor boatyard

TREMONT — A waterfront boatyard dating back at least to the 1940s could face transformation and be split into residential and mixed-use maritime uses, with a developer from Southern Maine exploring options. It could be a return, of sorts, to the original mix of uses on the property, which was… SEE MORE
The fishing vessel Westward being towed off a ledge by Fuller Marine Services in  Boothbay Harbor on Jan. 9.

Working Waterfront

The Wrack Line

Compiled by Tom Groening In baseball, the hitter gets three strikes. But when it comes to a 136-foot fishing boat wandering off it's mooring, there is no third strike. The Boothbay Register has been following the saga of the Westward, a steel-hulled, Dutch-built vessel that has been moored in Boothbay… SEE MORE
A lobster boat off Stonington.

Working Waterfront

Lobster marketing strategy centers on ‘new shell’

ROCKPORT — A firm hired by the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative to help grow markets for and increase the value of the state's signature seafood unveiled its strategy at the Maine Fishermen's Forum on Friday, March 6. Representatives from the firm Weber Shandwick said their vision aims to: Establish the… SEE MORE