Working Waterfront

Be ruthless: novelist heeds her own advice

My Name is Lucy Barton By Elizabeth Strout (Random House, 2016) I let my mind wander a bit as I pondered writing this review, as if I were the title character in Elizabeth Strout’s new novel, My Name is Lucy Barton, feverish and somewhat free-associating. I’ve reviewed Strout’s novels on… SEE MORE

Working Waterfront

Hail the mighty halibut!

The story of Atlantic halibut, the giant among New England groundfish, is similar to the story of cod: it once lived in vast numbers off our shores and after centuries of fishing its population is now a tiny fraction of what it once was. But unlike cod, the halibut’s story… SEE MORE
Some of the early members of Maine Coast Artists

Working Waterfront

Maine rocks the arts, the arts rock Maine

In 2012, according to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, arts and culture production accounted for $698 billion, or 4.32 percent of the nation’s economy. Surprise: that’s more than construction, transportation or tourism. In Maine, by 2014, there were 3,262 arts-related businesses sustaining 10,667 jobs. In other words, the arts account for… SEE MORE