Vinalhaven village as seen from the harbor.

Working Waterfront

A deal too good to be true

A few weeks ago, a big man burst into the Tidewater Motel lobby mid-morning carrying a half-dozen unmarked white cardboard boxes, each about 18-inches by 18-inches and 4-inches deep. He’d emerged from an unmarked white pickup that held three white chest freezers in its bed, tied down haphazardly with pot… SEE MORE
Cargo Mate Dennis checks every piece of ammunition in the hold by hand.

Working Waterfront

Dangerous cargo aboard

The military has a lot of stuff to ship overseas for its missions: food, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies, paper and pencils, and even books and movies. But its first mission, of course, is remaining prepared to fight a war, should that unfortunate thing occur. The T-AKE class of U.S. Navy… SEE MORE